
28 May 2012

Somebody That I Used To Know

Now and then I think of when we were together
Like when you said you felt so happy you could die
Told myself that you were right for me
But felt so lonely in your company
But that was love and it's an ache I still remember

You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness
Like resignation to the end, always the end
So when we found that we could not make sense
Well you said that we would still be friends
But I'll admit that I was glad it was over

But you didn't have to cut me off
Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing
And I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger and I feel so rough
No you didn't have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect your records and then change your number
I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just somebody that I used to know

Now you're just somebody that I used to know
Now you're just somebody that I used to know

Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over
Part of me believing it was always something that I'd done
But I don't wanna live that way
Reading into every word you say
You said that you could let it go
And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know

But you didn't have to cut me off
Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing
And I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger and I feel so rough
No you didn't have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect your records and then change your number
I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just somebody that I used to know

(I used to know)
(Now you're just somebody that I used to know)

(I used to know)
(That I used to know)
(I used to know)

20 May 2012



Maksud berakhir = 
1. Thesis dah hantar dan VIVA hari khamis akan datang
2. Tugas sebagai JAKMAS dah selesai
3. Tahun akhir pengajian di UMS
4. Penantian untuk tempat latihan industri
5. Kegilaan yang selalu melanda hati dan minda
6. Program-program kolej kediaman
7. Penantian yang tidak sepatutnya.

Banyak yang dah berlaku sepanjang april ke may..
Penat juga a menghadap
Tapi, ok je la.. boleh hidup lagi.
Seksa sikit lah.. tapi kira berbaloi juga

aku cuak pasal thesis yang aku dah hanar tu..'
x tahu apa nak jawab masa viva nanti
jangan aku mengarut sudah la..

JAKMAS dan program.
Turun bukan lah secara rasminya
tapi, bila dah dapat sijil penghargaan
aku kira macam dah turun la
Last program pun ni kat ranau
Program delegasi amal

program ni buat kat rumah anak angkat putera harapan ranau
jumpa budak2 yang macam2 perangai mmg menguji kesabaran
tahan hati jugalah
tapi memang seronok

Lastly.. yang selebihnya masuk dairy

Just.. weyh.. jangan buang kawan sebab makwe/pakwe
Takut korang punya jodoh tak panjang
buat malu jea nak cari kawan tu..
dan tak payah la tunjuk yang korang tgh desprete.

Hidup ni sementara..
jangan rasa senang hati dengan apa yang kta ada
tapi bersyukurlah

merepek: Just because I'm here for you all the time, doesn't mean you can take me for granted

4 May 2012

X terfikir pun

aku sangat suka baca novel.. dan sanggup tunda kerja aku semata-mata nak habiskan novel tu.. Aku start baca novel since sekolah rendah lagi.. macam2 novel da aku baca, smpi tajuk pun aku dah tak ingat..

Most of novel mesti la love story.. macam2 plot dan jalan cerita.. setiap novel tu membuatkan aku berfikir, pelbagai ragam dan gaya manusia hidup d muka bumi ni.. So, kena sllu berfikiran terbuka dan luas la.. 

Dan, skrg aku terfikir pasal watak "KETIGA" dalam jalan cerita.. pandangan tipikal masyarakat.. pihak ketiga dan perhubungan adalah watak yang jahat.. ye lah.. semestinya dianggap watak negatif.. tapi tak tahu kenapa, aku cuba berfikir dari sudut pihak ketiga tu sendiri.. watak tu hanya boleh di nilai berdasarkan jalan cerita..  kadang-kala ada kisah antara watak pertama atau watak kedua yang menjadikan wujudnya watak ketiga.. contohnya seperti keCURANGAN salah satu watak itu sendiri.. well.. itu pendapat masing2..
just, kalau boleh berfikir sebelum menilai..

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so"
~William Shakespeare~