
10 April 2013

"Masa Merawat"


"Masa Merawat"

Definisi : Masa yang diperlukan oleh seseorang untuk dirinya sendiri, ketika dia sedang menghadapi permasalahan

When you are facing a problem that you think you can't solve, please TAKE YOUR TIME... RETREAT and calm your mind also your heart. Go somewhere else and do something that NOT related to your PROBLEM. If you not capable to go somewhere else, just SHUT OFF YOUR WORLD.. Meaning by shut off your world doesn't mean SUICIDE.. It just that off your phone. deactivate your facebook and avoid to meet with people that will make your problem WORST..

Duration for this " Masa Merawat" depends on each individu. You may need only 1 day for your masa merawat but you may also need FEW YEARS!!!..

And For now.. I need my "Masa Merawat". I hope you can understand.. I know what you have done to me and I just need this..

Owh, BTW.. When you take your "Masa Merawat".. Don't forget to PRAY.. So, that ALLAH will give you guidance and show you what the best for you..


p/s: Everything in life is temporary. So if things are going good, enjoy it because it won't last forever. And if things are going bad, don't worry. It won't last forever either

Last : Click Picture Above.. (^_^)

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